I’ve played the AoC the last couple of years, but haven’t documented it in a blog format.
This is my attempt to take notes for this years Advent of Cyber
from TryHackMe.
What is Advent of Cyber? #
Taken from TryHackMe.com:
It’s an advent calendar but with security challenges instead of chocolate!
The goal is:
Can you help Elf McSkidy and her team save Christmas again? This time, we’ll need your help gathering evidence to prove who was behind a series of sabotage attacks!
There’s also some prizes basaed on how many Tasks (questions) you answer until the 27th of December.
One of the General Rules during the event is: Answers to questions are not to be shared unless shown on videos/streams. This means I will not share the actual answers to questions but rather, how I found them.